We are a team of Columbia University graduates from the journalism and engineering schools who believe that a fair and independent media is the backbone of a healthy democracy. Our aim is to improve the business model for media companies through technical innovations.


We are here to revolutionize the business model for media companies. We are an AI/media startup with a mission of creating sustainable business models through technical innovations.


We are a team of Columbia University graduates from the journalism and engineering schools who believe that a fair and independent media is the backbone of a healthy democracy. Our aim is to improve the business model for media companies through technical innovations.


Technical innovations and AI-assisted reporting are the way to save the media and we are determined to make these tools available for newsrooms of any size. Our technical and AI solutions will revive the media business and help the industry expand its reach. Through our solutions, newsrooms will be able to lower their costs and save time, while focusing their resources, extending their coverage and tailoring the content for their audiences.


Gist summarizes NPR articles into a few paragraphs. It is simple, practical and time-saving. Gist is a proof of concept for AI-assisted journalism. This model can help newsrooms in two ways: Expand their reporting through a budget-friendly AI-assisted reporting and increase their number of customers by tailoring the reports based on their readers’ preferences through AI-assisted summarization. If you enjoy Gist or would like to help a team of journalists and engineers improve the journalism business model, feel free to get in touch.